Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Friends at Christmas

We had a great time seeing our friends during our time in Tn. We were so limited on time we didn't get to see many people, but we will be back soon : O)

We went to the Fanikos's house for a delicious homemade pizza dinner made by Donnie and the boys had a great time!!!! They all opened presents but as you can see it was the time playing and jumping on the bed that they loved the most!!! A good lesson for us grown-ups : )

Uh-oh a little mishap with the Santa hat

A wonderful goodbye from Jacob. I know Joey misses Benjamin and Jacob everyday.

Of course what would a visit to TN be without seeing Uncle Bob, Aunt Robin and Cousin Paige. Joey LOVES his Uncle Bob!!!

Opening the wagon they got him. We use it everyday to walk to the playground.

Giving Robin hugs ad kisses for the awesome wagon

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