(Note: pics are uploaded randomly I am too lazy to rearrange them...sorry :<)
We went to Grandmother and Grandaddy Foxes to meet up with all of my side of our family and as usual had an awesome time!!!!! Not to mention as one of my gifts Grandmother Fox made me my very own, just for me entire big bowl of her straight from heaven corn!!! I vowed not to share ANY WITH ANYBODY...but guess what Joey loved it and ate just about half the entire bowl...darnit. I had to share with him... in fact Molly had to stand in the kitchen feeding it to him : ) Like a little bird....chirp-chirp : )
Joey made Grandmother hold the Stitch she bought him in her lap...for safekeeping Joey knows who should hold it : ) Then he has both hands to carry around Toby's Windmill that Gary, Brian and Carmen got for him.

Look at that face!!! Joey loved the Tree of Life Aunt Martha and Uncle Rick got him. In fact most days he carries around the tiger that goes with it.

Opening the Thomas Set that the Roberts got him....man does he LOVE this set. The phone and ticket are BIG HITS!!!! Joey loves to show everybody his ticket to ride. : )

Playing the piano with Martha....they were having a fun time!!!

Watching Uncle Rick open his golf BBQ set. Won't be long and Joey will be out there on the green : )

As always Joey has lots of love for Molly!!!! She and Parker bought him a Backyardigans Playdough set that he LOVES (but I for some reason didn't get a pic of) the cannon shoots Playdough shapes!!!

Joey wore Grandmothers hat all over the house while Benjamin and Nicholas chased him around. They are the best at playing with him!!! And he loves them SO MUCH!!

We also spent time with Bills Family while in town, in fact Bills Nana provided us room and board. Here is Joey knocking on her door when we got into town. When she answered he got so excited.

I am not sure the Whit, Tiff and Kelsey were quite prepared for rambunctious Joey trying to bite them with his snake, just look at Kels face! Boys sure are rough and tumble!!

His snake biting Tiff

For the people we didn't get to see, we missed you and hope you all had great holiday!!! Next up Christmas at Disney and Christmas Eve....

Here he is with Whitney and Kelsey petting Polly.
We had to wait and wait to open gifts and as you can see Joey is about to have a heart attack...it is so hard to wait when you are "two and a halves" as Joey calls it : )

Joey loved the Dr. set that Nana got him, he walked around applying bandages and giving us shots.
and the cash register, he thinks it awesome when his credit card is accepted : )

I am not sure the Whit, Tiff and Kelsey were quite prepared for rambunctious Joey trying to bite them with his snake, just look at Kels face! Boys sure are rough and tumble!!

His snake biting Tiff

For the people we didn't get to see, we missed you and hope you all had great holiday!!! Next up Christmas at Disney and Christmas Eve....
1 comment:
I enjoyed seeing the pictures from Christmas! We thank you for sharing Joey with us. Christmas is just a little bit better when there are little ones around. Hope that all is well with you. We miss you!
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