Here he is opening the present from Mama and Da. I love how he throws the paper behind him.

Then he helped Da open his present, an automatic screwdriver (boy did Da use it a LOT later on : ) Joey just had to push the button and make it spin. Boys and their tools, doesn't matter the age.

Then he started to open the package he had gotten in the mail from his Grampy and Mimi Zanoni. He was very excited and boy was it packed with gifts.

Opening a Thomas Aquadoodle, a favorite with the Z Boy!

His favorite of the night, a walking & roaring Triceratops. We had to take a break in present opening to play with him.

Then we went to take a bath and get all dolled up for Santa. Here is Mr. Handsome doing one last look over of his gifts before bedtime.

While he was getting dressed Da made a train tunnel out of the you can see Joey thought it was great!!!

With Mama putting out cookies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. If you look close you can see that Joey is eating the carrots as fast as I can put them out!

Sampling Santa's Cookies. Joey is normally extremely picky but all of a sudden he had to taste each one of Santa's cookies : )

Just look at those cheeks, stuffed full with Santa cookies : )

Of course, he had to wash it all down with Santa Milk...that's what he called it. After he took a drink he rubbed his belly and went "Mmmmmmm, Santa's milk gooooddddd!"

This is Bill explaining to him right before bed that Santa was going to come down our chimney, eat the cookies and leave presents. We even let Joey open the fireplace for Santa (this is normally a don't touch item). Well this was a mistake, Joey kept crawling out of bed and running out trying to catch Santa. He even brought out his wubi blankie, and asst animals he sleeps with Froggie, Rusty, Donald and snake to sleep in front of the fireplace (unfortunately I had put the camera away to work going to bed recon). He got very upset at us for foiling his plan and told us he wanted to "see Santa". Next year we are in BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!!

Stay Tuned, Christmas Day is next....
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