Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Christmas Trains at the Childrens Museum

We made a very quick (and exhausting for Mama and Da) trip to TN this Christmas Season; and on our way out of town back to Florida we made sure to stop and see the trains at the Childrens Museum of Oak Ridge ( We visited last year also and it is always FABULOUS!

Joey was especially excited about the red caboose in the background since his favorite bedtime story right now is The Little Red Caboose. If you ask him about it he will tell you how it "grips HARDER to the tracks" it is very funny since he flexes his muscles and balls his fists like he is saving the train himself!!!

The aquarium fish cars were a BIG HIT!

More on our trip to TN soon and Christmas Eve/Day pics...sorry I am so slow :>

Also, on a technical note I am adding a hit counter to the blog, you may have already seen it. It only tracks the number of hits and what city, country they are from. I know some people were worried that I was letting an outside party in on private info. : ) I think it is REALLY NEAT and COOL to see how many people from how many states, countries may be checking us out. Please feel free to check out his blog 100 times a day if you want...that is why it is here!!! No worries!

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