Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Atlanta and the Zoo with Da

This is stuff I meant to post in Dec, but I ran out of time. We headed out to the SEC Championship to see the Vols lose. It was a bad game but a fun time. Joey and I didn't have tickets to the game (don't ask) so we went to the Aquarium. It was AWESOME!!!! Here we are at the entrance with lots of "Nemos"

Seeing the beluga whales was awe-inspiring!!! So absolutely beautiful!!!

The seals where fighting and Joey thought that was funny.
He had a blast climbing through the Penguin tunnells and seeing them!!! When he popped his head up I could hear him scream with excitment!
Some pics of us at Fanfare before the game. We didn't stay too long cause it was CRAZY and loud for a little boy.

He thought this sheep was great
Bob, Paige, Bill and Joey
Joey playing at Centennial Olympic was FREEZING but the kid did not want to stop playing. Very neat to be where the Olympics were played.
Hugging his Uncle Bob. Joey LOVES Bob!!!!

In fact in our hotel room, Poor Bob couldn't go to the bathroom without Joey trying to follow him and call out to him at the door. He would look under the door and say "Where are you Uncle Bob?" We all thought it was so funny!!

Also in December Joey took a trip with Da to the Jacksonville Zoo. And of course they had to ride the Zoo Train!!

And Joey got to feed the giraffes. He still talks about getting to do this all the time. Bill said he wasn't scared at all. He just walked up and gave him the food. A very cool experience.

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