Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Christmas Day 2007

This Christmas was SO AWESOME!!! Joey was so very excited for Santa to come and we also learned about Baby Jesus and ate baby Jesus birthday cake that we made together (a tradition from my side). He seemed to really get it all and that was THE BEST!!! Bill and I are so blessed to spend this time with our sweet, awesome, intelligent, full of wonder son. That is what Christmas is all about!!!!! This pic is when he first ran out...he was OVERWHELMED - BUT SMILING!!!!
Right away he ran over to his trampoline and started jumping!!!! He loves to jump on the trampoline at his My Gym Class and was so excited to have his own.
Then he noticed that Santa and his reindeer had come and eaten the goodies we left and as Joey said "Santa's messy"....just like his Da!!
Then of course he noticed the one thing he specifically asked for, his 10 TRAINS!!!

and the musical red caboose!!!! A special favorite.

Opening more Thomas, who is more excited...Bill or Joey : )

He loved his piano and setup his new Disney figures to play and sing to. He sang Rock-a-bye Baby and Jingle Bells...and recently he added Row your boat. He is so cute when he sings!!!!

He absolutely loves his drum set
Viewmaster a big hit and a GREAT restaurant toy!!!

This Candyland Game for Toddlers is great, we play it almost everyday.
One of his favorite gifts was a big bag of costumes that "Santa" bought on after halloween clearance.... I never realized what a hit they would be. Here's Joey in a few that he put on Christmas Day.
Watch out for the dragon, he loved seeing himself in the mirrors.

Is that a T-rex or Darth Joey

Sir Joey the Handsome

Jaws or as Joey calls all sharks "Bruce" from Finding Nemo

He loved his stocking...especially the candy

Then we stopped for Breakfast and ate.....our Disney Gingerbread House and boy was it GOOD!

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