Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, January 20, 2006

Six Month Checkup - 18lbs 7oz and 26 1/2 inches long!

Well Joey had his six month checkup and he checked out great- 18lbs 7oz and 26 1/2 inches long!! He got his shots including the flu shot and only cried for a second and even smiled at the nurse afterwards. She said we can start giving him more Level 2 foods which is great because he often chooses his baby food over his bottle these days. He had his six month pics yesterday and they are so cute!
Here he is hamming it up in his bomber jacket & cap
And this is his new favorite thing, to pull himself up and chew on the crib railing. I think we are going to have to lower the mattress.

Here he is trying to crawl....just a few more months!

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