Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Houston - Joey's 2nd Tooth Has Landed!!!

Well I was going to wait until Thursday to update the blog, but Joey's 2nd tooth has cut the surface right next to his first. If you look closely in the pics below you can see the little white buds and boy are they SHARP!!!! It was giving him a fit last night, I think he woke up every hour!!! To say the least Mommy is tired!

Since these teeth have popped out he has been biting his lip - I guess it feels good. He has 100 teethers but he prefers his lip. So much so that he made it bleed in Kohls the other day.

Since he has some choppers now we have been lettiing Joey practice feeding himself with Fruit Puffs, in this picture he is a little off the mark...but in general he does really well and LOVES to chew them!!!

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