Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, January 13, 2006

Bathtub fun and new friends

Well it has been a fun week, Joey will be six months next week and it seems he still can suprise us with something new everyday! Here he is below in his "Big Boy" tub, he sits up very well now and loves his newfound freedom reaching and grabbing for things. We are having trouble keeping him on his Snoopie Play Blanket for very long - he isnt crawling officially but if he wants to be somewhere he will get there by rolling or by squirming along and pushing with his legs, kindof a belly on the ground crawl. Once he learns to lift up that belly we are in BIG TROUBLE!!!

Hey, put that away I'm not decent in here!
Oh boy, I love to look at the water and bubbles!

Just realxing here!
We finally decided to let Joey and Daisy have a "play date" Joey loved to hug her and he smiled and giggled...but Daisy gave him the cold shoulder and wanted to go back to her bed.

Here Joey is with his pals in his bedroom! Soon I think he will be as big as Pooh!
Had to include this picture of Joey in his new hat!

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