Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Joey's First Christmas Morning!

Sorry it has taken so long to get these pics on here- Joey and I both have been under the weather since Christmas Eve and we are just now getting a little better. I was going to do a big post with each stage of Christmas , but right now I am playing catch-up at home, so this will do for now and I will update with lots of pics of the holidays soon.
So without further ado, here is Joey's First Christmas Morning!
Here is Joey with all his toys from Santa! He must have been a very Good Boy!!
Here he is getting down his very full stocking (with a little help from Dad) is that a blue elephant peeking out at us?

And here he is checking out his new farm animals barn! Moooooooooo

With the new walker Santa brought him Joey will be toddling along in no time at all!

Here is what Santa brought Mom and Dad, all ready to be unwrapped!!!

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