Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pulling up and moving around!

Well imagine my suprise on Monday, when I walked in Joey's room to find him STANDING and holding onto the railing! After I fainted (haha) I thought it was a fluke and sat him back down at which point in about 30 seconds he was back up as you can see in the photo below. He kept doing it and it has become a theme in our house.
Although I have a funny feeling that we might just pass up the crawling stage it is funny to watch Joey continue to try...he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth.
Here he is getting out more toys, 'cause obviously 1001 out was just not enough. If you don't keep constant watch he can get across the room in seconds with his patented rolling move.

And here is a preview of his six month pics, they are scan protected as you can see, but I am not trying to copy them just show you how great they turned out. Memories Portraits here in Knoxville does an AWESOME job!!! Of course there are a ton more, these are just some of the poses. I think we must have 50 proofs to choose from and they are all adorable! Ugh

Friday, January 20, 2006

Six Month Checkup - 18lbs 7oz and 26 1/2 inches long!

Well Joey had his six month checkup and he checked out great- 18lbs 7oz and 26 1/2 inches long!! He got his shots including the flu shot and only cried for a second and even smiled at the nurse afterwards. She said we can start giving him more Level 2 foods which is great because he often chooses his baby food over his bottle these days. He had his six month pics yesterday and they are so cute!
Here he is hamming it up in his bomber jacket & cap
And this is his new favorite thing, to pull himself up and chew on the crib railing. I think we are going to have to lower the mattress.

Here he is trying to crawl....just a few more months!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Houston - Joey's 2nd Tooth Has Landed!!!

Well I was going to wait until Thursday to update the blog, but Joey's 2nd tooth has cut the surface right next to his first. If you look closely in the pics below you can see the little white buds and boy are they SHARP!!!! It was giving him a fit last night, I think he woke up every hour!!! To say the least Mommy is tired!

Since these teeth have popped out he has been biting his lip - I guess it feels good. He has 100 teethers but he prefers his lip. So much so that he made it bleed in Kohls the other day.

Since he has some choppers now we have been lettiing Joey practice feeding himself with Fruit Puffs, in this picture he is a little off the mark...but in general he does really well and LOVES to chew them!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Bathtub fun and new friends

Well it has been a fun week, Joey will be six months next week and it seems he still can suprise us with something new everyday! Here he is below in his "Big Boy" tub, he sits up very well now and loves his newfound freedom reaching and grabbing for things. We are having trouble keeping him on his Snoopie Play Blanket for very long - he isnt crawling officially but if he wants to be somewhere he will get there by rolling or by squirming along and pushing with his legs, kindof a belly on the ground crawl. Once he learns to lift up that belly we are in BIG TROUBLE!!!

Hey, put that away I'm not decent in here!
Oh boy, I love to look at the water and bubbles!

Just realxing here!
We finally decided to let Joey and Daisy have a "play date" Joey loved to hug her and he smiled and giggled...but Daisy gave him the cold shoulder and wanted to go back to her bed.

Here Joey is with his pals in his bedroom! Soon I think he will be as big as Pooh!
Had to include this picture of Joey in his new hat!

Friday, January 06, 2006

A NEW ARRIVAL! and more holiday pictures :)

Well we have a NEW ARRIVAL in the Zanoni Household and no it is NOT a brother/sister for Joey - but it is actually JOEY'S FIRST TOOTH! That's right the lower front tooth has pushed through and is giving us all our fill of aches and pains. It is sharp as can be and Joey keeps rubbing his lips, tongue and fingers on it like - what is this thing!!!??? Daddy found it first on Friday night and we love to check it out and see how much pokes out everyday. It is truly amazing how fast these changes are taking place- it makes Mommy very emotional.
Now onto the holidays since I promised to post more pictures of what we did.
Here is our New Year Baby! Happy 2006!

Here are some pictures from the day after Christmas with Aunt Martha, Uncle Rick, Cousins Jeff and Molly! We always make sure to get together during the Holidays and the time we get to spend with all of them is VERY special to us!!!!
I think I'll take that! Thanks Aunt Martha!!
Bows are no problem for me!!
Mom and Molly move out of the way this one is mine! I LOVE wrapping paper!
As you can see they spoiled Joey (really Mommy and Daddy too) rotten! And we all loved it, Joey especially loved the Red Barn book they got him, you should have seen his face when he got it open!! They also bought him a light up Pooh book and Daddy and I read/sang (it plays songs too!) it to him Saturday and we all had a blast!!
Here are some pics from Christmas night at Joey's Mimi and Grampy's house (Bill's Parents)! It was a toy free-for-all, every little boys dream!

As you can see here are all the kids on the floor - Joey, Abbie and Dom.... Mimi is in the back surveying the opening frenzy :)

Joey is pulling on his cousin Dominic, come here Dominic let me tell you a secret about Santa.

Oh boy, look at the bear Mimi and Grampy got me! His name is Rusty and he is SO soft I LOVE to hug him!

Last but certainly not least here are some pictures of Christmas Eve in the mountains with Nana (Bill's Grandmother and Joey's Great-grandmother) and Bill's Aunt,Uncle and their three daughters and David's Mom Evelyn.

Here is Joey,Nana and Kelsey with a blanket Kelsey made all by herself for Joey! It is a Snoopy blanket and I have to say is now a favortte in our house and has stopped all those rugs burns on Joey's face!!!

Here is Joey looking at a silver set that Nana got him. Here is Joey's beautiful 2nd cousin Tiffany holding the wiggle worm himself.
And I HAD to put this picture in here to show that once again my little ladies man strikes, wherever he is there seem to be women flocking around him!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Joey's First Christmas Morning!

Sorry it has taken so long to get these pics on here- Joey and I both have been under the weather since Christmas Eve and we are just now getting a little better. I was going to do a big post with each stage of Christmas , but right now I am playing catch-up at home, so this will do for now and I will update with lots of pics of the holidays soon.
So without further ado, here is Joey's First Christmas Morning!
Here is Joey with all his toys from Santa! He must have been a very Good Boy!!
Here he is getting down his very full stocking (with a little help from Dad) is that a blue elephant peeking out at us?

And here he is checking out his new farm animals barn! Moooooooooo

With the new walker Santa brought him Joey will be toddling along in no time at all!

Here is what Santa brought Mom and Dad, all ready to be unwrapped!!!