Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, April 06, 2009

New Friends for Spring

We have discovered a few new friends for Springtime. On a trip to the Disney Store, Joey wanted a stuffed Bolt Dog and now they travel together a lot of the time. You will see Bolt in a lot of coming pics...for a few weeks Joey wouldn't do ANYTHING without Bolt : )

Last Sunday we were driving out of our subdivision when I told Bill "OMG, There was a big gator." Of course Bill turned around just to prove me wrong...but guess what...I was RIGHT!!! He has, so far, alluded Animal Control (dragging their measly trap to the bottom of the pond : ) and now Joey calls him "our Gator" of course we do not (unlike other neighbors) get close to him or let Joey get close to him, he is big 6-7'. In fact I scared Joey so bad when telling him NEVER to get near a Gator, he started to cry...but a little fear can sometimes prevent an accident!

He suns right out next to the walking trail that circles the pond, you would not believe the people we have seen walking up to him with their children....brave or stupid, I am not sure : )

With that, all the ducks have been chased away from the pond, so they are walking around our yard for a while : ) Joey loved that!!! They come by almost every day now
Another good pic of our ducks

We tried to feed them, but the Seagulls got extremely aggressive. You can actually see one wing diving for the camera..... all of a sudden there were a ton of the diving and swooping us and the poor ducks : (

Lots more coming.....

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