Joey mimicking the baby alligators in the bday room, he was enamoured by all the animals in there : ) He kept asking the zookeeper all kinds of questions about them, what do they eat? why does it like the water? how old is it?....she told me she thought he might be a Zoologist when he grows up and it actually made me think of my Cousin Andy (she used to milk rattlesnakes at the Maggie Valley Zoo. Lord help me if he does that!! : )
Our Motley Crew, the beautiful brunette is Evie, Kyle's sister and also Joey's pal
Joey REALLY loved the Newts in this tank, he learned all about them and then tried to "educate" the other kids and Mom & Da
Kyle and Joey browsing the zoo together, aren't they cute!!!
Feeding the Giraffes
Best buddies

Of course Joey has to have some time with the prettiest girl Evie!!
Joey's other good neighborhood pal Nic!!! He had an awesome Fireman Party!!! Nic's bday party was right after Kyle's (back across a big city) so unfortunately we were a little late and I didn't take as many pics....but it was just as much fun!!!!! Aren't the boys all so cute in their Firemen hats!!!!
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