Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Happy New Years and Welcome 2007!!!

We had a great New Years!!!!! a wonderful welcoming to what we hope will be a great year with our wonderful blessing from God and joy of our lives...Joey.
So once again I wanted to do a comparison photo from last year, but as mentioned before my subject is somewhat independent minded I did the best I could.
New Years Eve 2005
and this year New Years Eve can't see his face, but just look at how much he has grown in the past year. Incredible!
one where you can actually see his face :)

Every New Years Eve we spend with our pals Bob, Robin and Paige...we always have a blast.
Here is Joey hugging the giant Elmo they brought him.
And Joey peek-a-booing his favorite person of the night Bob's Dad, Mr Harvey...he was trying to read and Joey kept popping up behind him and laughing :)
Bob giving Robin an unexpected kiss

After all these years Bill still kisses me nicely on New Years (its gotta count for something)

And the always pretty Paige with her boyfriend Mikey (I got a pic of them kissing too, but since I have known Paige since she was Joey's age I did not post it : )

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