Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, January 15, 2007

Christmas Dinner

After Joey had a long nap, no doubt dreaming about Santa, we went to the Foxes for Christmas dinner. As always the food was superb (the corn is to die for...Seriously I would trade in Godiva for Grandmothers corn) and so was the company!!!!!
Here is Joey and Grandaddy Fox
And Joey ALWAYS seems to have a good hug for and Bill run around begging for hugs and kisses, but I think he saves them all for Molly : )
Hanging out like one of the guys....between Jeff and Benjamin
Getting more gifts....this time Grandmother and Grandaddy Fox and the Roberts Family made up where Mom and Da missed the boat and got him a most beloved Thomas book that lights up and sings!!!!
and with Nicholas opening up THE COOLEST Thomas phone EVER!!!!! Let me tell you when Joey is playing with his phone....don't you even think about trying to "help" him.

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