Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

First Haircut

Joey went for his REAL first haircut (we don't count the haircut for stitches in his head ) in December and had a fantastic time. We went to the new KidzKutz in West Knoxville (Across from the mall) and it was the BEST experience. I would highly recommend them to anyone with an active kid like ours. Joey picked out his airplane very similar to his Radio Flyer plane at home. They also had fire engines, police cars, taxis, all kinds. They also have a train table and play area if you have to wait- Joey cried when we made him leave.
Here is Joey Z. Getting strapped in and ready for the cut, he was in desperate need of a trim.
Pointing at the other cool chairs.
They also had TV's with cartoons mounted above the mirrors so Joey watched Rudolph.
Then Santa came to visit and give him a candy cane.

I thought the clippers might scare him, but he LOVED them and laughed.

Finally the finished product...A VERY HANDSOME BOY!!!

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