Every year we have a Christmas with just the "Gallman" clan.....a a tradition we used to have with Nanny and have now carried on. So the Sunday after Christmas we all got together for a great lunch and some more present opening. Of course, once again Joey made out like a bandit : )
Right away he knew the gifts were for him...
And when he got it open, it was a so cool Tigger plane...of course Joey calls it "my plane" he LOVES to go up and down the sidewalk outside with it and all the other neighborhood kids watch him as the propellers go and he says "my plane, my plane go-go-go" its very cute
Here he is waiting for Molly to open the "Molly" Engine she got him for his Thomas the Train set. This was a great moment 'cause Joey just about had a heart attack waiting for her to open it. Watching him TRY and be patient was HILARIOUS! He loved this engine so much we had to let him take it to bed with him.

A very excited boy to get a "Mick-mouse"plate

Joey joining the big boys again, OR are they joining him??? These three are all engrossed in Joey's newest Thomas DVD courtesy of Uncle Rick and Aunt Martha : ) I guess Bill and Jeff never grew up : ) Haha-Just kidding

Joey joining the big boys again, OR are they joining him??? These three are all engrossed in Joey's newest Thomas DVD courtesy of Uncle Rick and Aunt Martha : ) I guess Bill and Jeff never grew up : ) Haha-Just kidding
And almost right away we had use for another gift Rick and Martha got Joey....a little Mr sunshine to go on his boo-boos...of which we have many : ) Don't even ask me about being at the Dr last week to look at his tongue ALMOST bit in half...Doc said a .MM more and he would have tried to glue it back together (haha)
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