Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

First Haircut

Joey went for his REAL first haircut (we don't count the haircut for stitches in his head ) in December and had a fantastic time. We went to the new KidzKutz in West Knoxville (Across from the mall) and it was the BEST experience. I would highly recommend them to anyone with an active kid like ours. Joey picked out his airplane very similar to his Radio Flyer plane at home. They also had fire engines, police cars, taxis, all kinds. They also have a train table and play area if you have to wait- Joey cried when we made him leave.
Here is Joey Z. Getting strapped in and ready for the cut, he was in desperate need of a trim.
Pointing at the other cool chairs.
They also had TV's with cartoons mounted above the mirrors so Joey watched Rudolph.
Then Santa came to visit and give him a candy cane.

I thought the clippers might scare him, but he LOVED them and laughed.

Finally the finished product...A VERY HANDSOME BOY!!!

Happy New Years and Welcome 2007!!!

We had a great New Years!!!!! a wonderful welcoming to what we hope will be a great year with our wonderful blessing from God and joy of our lives...Joey.
So once again I wanted to do a comparison photo from last year, but as mentioned before my subject is somewhat independent minded I did the best I could.
New Years Eve 2005
and this year New Years Eve can't see his face, but just look at how much he has grown in the past year. Incredible!
one where you can actually see his face :)

Every New Years Eve we spend with our pals Bob, Robin and Paige...we always have a blast.
Here is Joey hugging the giant Elmo they brought him.
And Joey peek-a-booing his favorite person of the night Bob's Dad, Mr Harvey...he was trying to read and Joey kept popping up behind him and laughing :)
Bob giving Robin an unexpected kiss

After all these years Bill still kisses me nicely on New Years (its gotta count for something)

And the always pretty Paige with her boyfriend Mikey (I got a pic of them kissing too, but since I have known Paige since she was Joey's age I did not post it : )

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Gallman Christmas

Every year we have a Christmas with just the "Gallman" clan.....a a tradition we used to have with Nanny and have now carried on. So the Sunday after Christmas we all got together for a great lunch and some more present opening. Of course, once again Joey made out like a bandit : )
Right away he knew the gifts were for him...
Uncle Rick helping him open
And when he got it open, it was a so cool Tigger plane...of course Joey calls it "my plane" he LOVES to go up and down the sidewalk outside with it and all the other neighborhood kids watch him as the propellers go and he says "my plane, my plane go-go-go" its very cute
Here he is waiting for Molly to open the "Molly" Engine she got him for his Thomas the Train set. This was a great moment 'cause Joey just about had a heart attack waiting for her to open it. Watching him TRY and be patient was HILARIOUS! He loved this engine so much we had to let him take it to bed with him.
Aunt Martha playing Joey's Guitar and him "helping" her
A very excited boy to get a "Mick-mouse"plate

Joey joining the big boys again, OR are they joining him??? These three are all engrossed in Joey's newest Thomas DVD courtesy of Uncle Rick and Aunt Martha : ) I guess Bill and Jeff never grew up : ) Haha-Just kidding
And almost right away we had use for another gift Rick and Martha got Joey....a little Mr sunshine to go on his boo-boos...of which we have many : ) Don't even ask me about being at the Dr last week to look at his tongue ALMOST bit in half...Doc said a .MM more and he would have tried to glue it back together (haha)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas Everybody!!! (belated, of course)
We had a wonderful holiday season and hope all of you did too!!!! Joey got lots of toys, books and movies.
Here is a great picture of him in the Elmo Giggle Chair that Santa brought him.
Here is the first picture of him walking in to see what Santa brought Christmas morning ( both Joey and I were woken up at 6 AM courtesy of ONE VERY EXCITED DAD)
...and 30 seconds later when he turned and ran out of the room, a little overwhelmed I think.
But it didn't take long to get him in back to see what he got. His favorite and first thing he wanted to play with was the Elmo Tool Bench. In fact it was a little difficult to pull him away to see his other toys.
Our music lovin' boy got his very own piano, just the right size

and a drum set...what a cute little drummer boy. I have to say though the drum sticks are not limited to the drum, as soon as Joey discovered everything made a different sound he was banging anything he could.
Looking for something else to his adorable Thomas the Train slippers from Mom and Dad. Joey calls these choo shoes : )
Sitting on his big Mickeys lap watching the Elmo TMX Santa got him...however he was a little freaked out by it, but it has become a great diversion for adults who visit : )

We started to try and get Joey to open his present from us, but he had really had too much!!!! and was wearing out fast.
So Da opened a present and Joey was real interested in what will no doubt one day be his GI Joe
This was a funny moment, because the wrapping paper is Thomas, but the present was Little People Zoo Train...Joey was NOT HAPPY that it wasn't Thomas. He threw his hands down and looked at the floor and goes "Choo????" in a sad voice. It was so bad we went and got his Thomas from upstairs. Mom and Da learned a good lesson, if you wrap it in Thomas the Train it better be Thomas the train : )
Not through all of his presents yet and wearing out FAST!!!!!

Finally he justed collapsed among his toys and his Da's Star Wars and GI Joe's....a little and big boys paradise!!!

Christmas Dinner

After Joey had a long nap, no doubt dreaming about Santa, we went to the Foxes for Christmas dinner. As always the food was superb (the corn is to die for...Seriously I would trade in Godiva for Grandmothers corn) and so was the company!!!!!
Here is Joey and Grandaddy Fox
And Joey ALWAYS seems to have a good hug for and Bill run around begging for hugs and kisses, but I think he saves them all for Molly : )
Hanging out like one of the guys....between Jeff and Benjamin
Getting more gifts....this time Grandmother and Grandaddy Fox and the Roberts Family made up where Mom and Da missed the boat and got him a most beloved Thomas book that lights up and sings!!!!
and with Nicholas opening up THE COOLEST Thomas phone EVER!!!!! Let me tell you when Joey is playing with his phone....don't you even think about trying to "help" him.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Christmas Eve

We had a fun filled Christmas Eve. Forgive me for going in reverse and starting with Joey's second Christmas Eve night.
Here he is leaving cookies and milk for Santa. He wasn't so sure Santa needed all those cookies so he ate one or two after dipping them in Santa's milk :)
Opening his Christmas Eve present from Mom and Dad, the Thomas the Train bridges
He got right to work putting his trains over the bridge (our child is a GENUINE TRAIN FANATIC!!!!!!)
Now he is putting out the key for Santa, we put it on the front door, and Santa brought it back in and left it by the leftover milk and cookies.

In the morning we headed up to the mountains to join Joey's Great Aunt Mary Ellen, Uncle David, Cousins Whitney, Tiffany, Kelsey, Evelyn Bell (Davids Mom) and of course....Great-Grandmother Nana!!!
Here is Joey with the always beautiful Whitney
A most beautiful lady.....not bad at all for Bill's Grandmother and Joeys Great-Grandmother. I hope I am as pretty after 80-something years.

Joey playing with another very special lady, Evelyn Bell.
A great shot of Joey, Nana and Bill
Joey hugging the Polar Express Santa (time to get the good boy points in)

Throwing his new light-up ball to Kelsey

And of course, one of the beautiful girls is missing I always seem to forget to get pics with one of them , last time it was Whitney, this time it was the forever gorgeous Tiffany. If you are dying to see her pretty face she is in the Thanksgiving know the on where I forgot Whit.