Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 05, 2006

Happy Anniversary, Zoo Trip and Andy's New Book

First let me say....
Happy 12 Year Anniversary to Bill and I
lots of people at the Briarcliff Pool in 1994 were placing bets that we wouldn't make it one year...and instead we have made it a dozen. I am sure in 40 years when we are old farts we will be sitting somewhere together saying- Damn what a ride we have had!!!! For those of you that don't know however, Bill and I have known each other close to forever ever since I was 5 and he was 8 on Maple Lane and he would put worms in my hair and I would go tell his Mom (now Joey's Mimi) and she TOLD HIM to be nice to me....but would he! And so I had to go and marry him for revenge : ) Haha Just kidding!
Now onto is his blog after all : )
Saturday we trekked to Nashville to meet some friends for a picnic at the Nashville Zoo...we were too late to see many animals but we had fun anyway!!
Here is Joey waving at the elephants...his safari hat was a big hit!!
Daddy and Joey in front of the Giraffes
Joey making new friends at the playground
(notice he always seems to be next to the pretty son is no dope!)
And our little tiger got his face painted, but as you can see by the crooked whiskers he was not the most still subject. Still adorable though.
Also, I wanted to say how proud we are of my cousin and Joey's 2nd Cousin Andy...she has written her third book which is available now on Andy was a Park Ranger for many years and is one of the most interesting people I have ever met and a great cousin. I have to say our Nanny would be so proud of these books!!!! If you are looking for a good book go to her website for more info

1 comment:

Ashley & Vic said...

Congrats & many more happy years to you!!!!
Ash,Vic,& Gabe