Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 12, 2006

Happy 1st Bday Dominic, Family Reunion and other misc stuff

Well I had lots more pics to download but for some reason Blogger is not letting me include I will try again later. Here is what have so far.....
We had a crazy weekend going here and there...our first stop was the Deyton family reunion in Unicoi, TN. We have a great time seeing extended family here every year and this time Joey got to meet lots of his relatives on his Great-Great Grandmothers side.
Here is Joey with his Great Grandmother, Nana aka Leona Frost : )
And here he is with his Great-Great Aunt Hazel Wilson
We had a tough time getting pics of Joey with people since he does not like to sit all...ever...for anything!!!
Then we headed to Oak Ridge for a wonderful 1st Birthday Party for Dominic- Joey's Cousin. Happy Birthday Dominic!!

Here is Dominic digging into his cake
Don't worry Joey your turn is soon enough!!!
Another one of Joey's Cousins Johnny Clark. (actually he is a 2nd it matters)
And finally here are some cute pics from the week...
Joey and Daisy having fun

Joey LOVES to pick up the flowers from Mommas garden and then try to EAT THEM!!

Here he is "driving" Daddy's truck
and waving bye-bye to Mom
Finally, just a great smile....look at all those teeth!!!

Last but not least...just wanted to say...
Molly- less than one week to the BIG DAY!!!! We can't wait!

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