Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

11 Months Old, Happy Fathers Day and Wedding Fun

Joey is 11 months old and doing GREAT! He is a bundle of energy and NEVER seems to sit down and stop! He has been going on some regular play dates now and LOVES playing with other kids. This past weekend we went to Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain Georgia for my Cousin Molly's wedding. It was a great time and a beautiful wedding!!! Congrats Molly and Parker!!! Below are pics from the was so hard to decide what to include since I only took about 150 pictures : )
Happy Fathers Day to all the great fathers out there...but especially to Bill on his first fathers day. Another great picture of Bill and Joey.
At the Callaway Gardens Chapel.
Before the wedding we visited the Butterfly Conservatory. Joey loved the butterflies and tried to chase and catch them.
Here is Joey trying to grab the newly "born" butterflies through the glass where the cocoons are stored.
Here is Joey pointing at and trying to catch one of the butterflies - those darn things sure are fast.
And here is a beautiful, large butterfly eating some orange.

Joey found some great playmates in Benjamin and Nicholas all weekend. Here they are at the rehearsal dinner having a great time!
Now for the Wedding Pics....
Here is our cutie in his Tux...all ready to go!!
On the move as always...catch me if you can : )
Joey and the BEAUTIFUL bride, his second cousin Molly.
Molly and her dad, my Uncle Rick.
Grandmother and Grandaddy Fox tearing up the dance floor!
Me and my boy```
Joey, Bill and Jeff (Molly's brother, my cousin and Joey's second cousin)
Aunt Martha and Uncle Rick....doesn't Aunt Martha look absolutely stunning!!!!
When we got home we celebrated Fathers Day!

Here is Joey kissing the baby (his picture) on Dad's present.

The photos from Bills present...can you tell who is is Bill and one is Joey. Don't they look alike.
Finally a picture of the GREAT time Joey had with the clappers we got at Molly's reception he must have walked around clapping it for a full hour and laughing his head off...he thought the sound was the greatest thing!!!

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