Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 02, 2009

June Disney Trip - Lots of Friends & Star Wars

In June we went down to Disney for Star Wars Weekends and to meet up with a bunch of pals visiting as well!! It was a great trip and Joey's 23rd to Disney, isn't that crazy!!!! Anyway, for Bill this trip was about Star Wars (that post is coming later) but for Joey it was all about Golf!!! That's right Mini-Golf...Joey became addicted and we played twice on this trip and have played about 10 more times since. The kid is mini-golf crazy!!!!!

Here we are with Greg and Melanie Addington at Disney's Winter Summerland Miniature Golf. All of them trying to fit into Santa's Sleigh. We played Winter on this night and summer the next day.

Cool Hidden Mickey's everywhere (the gingerbread cookie furthest to the left is a Mickey)

Our family with Santa

First shot ever!!!

Putting it in, just look at that good form!! he is actually really good and now gets consistent 2's and 3's and even got a real Hole-in-one

The next morning playing the Summer portion

Checking out the diving board, a cool course I would recommend it!

Joey loved the castle!!

We met up with our pals The Addington's....Bill graduated with Greg and I went to church with Melanie, Its a Small World, hahaha! Here is Bill, Greg, Melanie and a very wet Joey. He had been playing in the spitting Tiki's : )

Hey!! Is that Greg pushing a stroller???

Joey didn't want to hold our hands the entire time, he even rode Haunted Mansion with Greg and Melanie

Also, my best pal Daniela and her family was there for a quick trip as well. We met up with them at the pool and Magic Kingdom. Joey was SO EXCITED to see his pals Jacob and Benjamin. Here are the boys clowning around on Goofy
Jacob, Benjamin and Joey ready to ride Pirates of the Caribbean

A small sidenote: just look at my son swimming....yep that's him under the water LIKE A FISH!!! We are very proud of him and his wonderful swimming this summer, he has never had any lessons other than Bill teaching him in the evenings.

We finally got to stay in the Fantasia Building, Joey really liked it!!!!

Then we lucked out and were able to walk-in to lunch at the Crystal Palace. The food was great and Joey loved seeing the characters...some cute pics

Joey wanted a hat like Jacob's, we told him he had to wait for his birthday trip...we'll see which hat he picks come the 17th.

Star Wars Weekends up next....

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