Joey with Martha in his lizard glasses
Joey, Cole and Chase playing "Trash Game" a game Martha created to get the beach clean for the wedding, the boys thought it was a great game and played it all week long : )
Martha blowing out the candles on her Krispy Kreme Bday cake with some help from Joey Z. Happy Birthday Martha!!!!!!!
Good birthday pic, Grandaddy Fox, Martha, Gary, Grandmother Fox and Joey Z.
We went to Lulu's (Jimmy Buffet's Sisters place) to celebrate Martha's bday...great restaurant!!! Joey loved this Fountain : )
Joey and Jeff playing legos
Joey buried in the sand, a beach tradition

Joey running in the waves...a GREAT pic of my beautiful boy!!!

Joey dressed in Martha's beach gear, sunglass, flip flops and visor....what a little comedian!!!

Joey and his beloved Amy....even though she is Brian Girlfriend Joey flirted with her the WHOLE week!!!

Joey dressed in Martha's beach gear, sunglass, flip flops and visor....what a little comedian!!!
Joey, Bill and Jeff at Lulu's
Joey and his beloved Amy....even though she is Brian Girlfriend Joey flirted with her the WHOLE week!!!
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