Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tree and Decorating

We went to pick out our live tree the day after Thanksgiving and had a blast as usual. Joey was hiding from the camera that day....

Our tree stump, BIG tree I am afraid we pulled a Clark W. Griswold with the is LARGE!!

Joey on the ladder decorating...did I mention we got too big of a tree : ) OOPPPSSS

He is very meticulous about where the ornaments go and don't you dare try and help him or make suggestions : )

Joey decorating the tree in his playroom, showing me where he is going to put his 1st Christmas Pooh Bear Ball

Assembling his Thomas Christmas track

Joey inside a giant stocking Bill made in High School, for a while he wanted to use it as HIS stocking. You better believe Mama took him shopping the very next day for a new stocking!!!!

Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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