Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Fun...elfs, old friends, new friends, cookies & our oldest city

Joey and Da had a great time making cookie cutouts... but Joey wanted to put Halloween sprinkles on them : )
Joey and his best pal Zach (he's 5 but they get along GREAT) the smiles look sweet don't they....well they aren't these little schemers had an ambush planned
Revolt!!!!! they pelted me with the Santa hats I made them wear....serves me right I guess making them stop playing to get a dumb old picture

Joey finding his Elf that Santa left for him with goodies, he just hugged and cuddled it

Then we told him there was a gift inside and he was was enough for him that he knew Santa had been thinking of him....precious boy, he has given us a wonderfully magical Christmas so far...I can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our wonderful, terrific, special friends from Minneapolis came to visit us...Jon and Jane Ritter. We were all so excited!!!! It was their first time meeting Joey and he talked their ears off : )

They were on their way to Daytona to race John's Corvette, he let Joey sit in it!!!! He looks good in a Vette doesn't he Da?! What wonderful friends!!!!! So good to see them and catch up, Thank you guys for coming to see us!!!!!!!!!!!!! We miss you already!!!!

Once again, we traveled to St. Augustine the nations Oldest City to see the parade and lights. Joey really loved the parade, which included costumes from EVERY country that occupied the city...including Scottish, English, Spanish, American Indian....Joey liked mimicking the horns

He really liked these uniforms AND the rock candy : )

Stay tuned, Santa is Coming to Joey's Blog...

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