Here is Joey buried in sand (well more like shells at Micklers Beach: ), he loves digging a big hole and jumping in. We were here again the other day and saw 2 baby sharks washed up on shore, one jellyfish, tons of crabs and a purple starfish...of course that day I FORGOT my camera!!!

Helping Da work in the yard.... cute wheelbarrow courtesy of Rick and Martha : )

Taking his dirt to dump in the garden

He would get tired as you can see from the slumped shoulders...but don't you DARE try and help him. He can do it himself!!!!! I think that is a Gallman trait!!!!

My little artist was SUPPOSED to be coloring on the big sheet of paper I set up for him, he missed the mark a little : )
Our new stove came in this huge box so Joey and Bill made a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse out of it...Joey had a great time coloring it for a week or so, he even still asks what happened to it (We sneaked it to the curb on garbage day)
While Bill was working in the garage, Joey was concerned that the saw noise would bother Daisy so he decided to read her back to sleep, it was VERY cute!!!

A cute pick of our little corn eater, he loves to eat corn-on-the-cob and I love to watch him

He has gotten so big! And has more hair! ;) Tell him I said "Hi" and that I miss him!
He has gotten so big!! And has more hair ;) Tell him I said "Hi" and that we all miss him!!
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