Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy 14th Anniversary to Us!

Well, yes folks you read that right Bill and I actually made it 14 years and counting. Even though Bill was feeling under the weather still we headed to St. Augustine (about 10 miles from our house) for a little escape. St. Augustine is the oldest city in America and has a very rich history.

Here is Joey in front of the schoolhouse

an old anchor

The Castillo de San Marcos which unbelievably, we learned, was last used during WWII

Boy those cannonballs are heavy

Can you imagine being stuck in here during a way!

Joey loved the cannons!

While we were looking at the cannons someone pointed out the family of three dolphins playing below us..... a wonderful gift to our family of three

You can see they were very close to the beach, always an awesome sight

Now onto 15!!!

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