Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mothers Day in the Carribean (kind of)

Bet you will NEVER guess where we went for Mothers Day weekend...we stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort in....well can you guess?? In Disneyworld : ) Who ever would have guessed we would go there! Anyway, we had a great time and we had never stayed at the Caribbean Beach before so it was something new. However, I think when we are shopping in that price point for Disney we prefer the Port Orleans Resorts to this one for weekend travel. The grounds at Caribbean are MASSIVE and it takes a long time to walk to the restaurants and shops. But the wildlife was wonderful!!! well at least for Joey it was : )

Joey loved chasing the ducks and bunnies

and laying in the hammocks

But after our walk standing between us and the door to our room was the now famous (in our house at least) Black snake with white belly, you can see he was ready to strike. Joey just thought he was awesome and still talks about it to this day. We chanced it and ran by him VERY FAST and then called the front desk. The snake catcher came very fast and she assured us that he was after all the lizards running around.

I had called ahead of time and tried to get us reservations for the character dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern in Magic Kingdom, but they TOLD me it was sold out. So while walking by Bill walked in since it didn't look super packed and they told us 10 minutes. (I have noticed this happens a LOT, if you get rejected don't give up try to do a walk-up) Sure enough we got in and it was awesome food (think Thanksgiving style) and even better characters. We must have had at least 2 visits from each character. I would highly recommend this dinner to anyone.

Joey and I with Pluto

Joey VERY excited to see Chip

and Dale

The kid loves Goofy

His "girlfriend" Minnie Mouse...he was so excited she kept coming over to see him

Look at that smile

The next day we went to the Coral Reef at EPCOT to eat for Mothers Day. It is a COOL restaurant inside a huge aquarium. That is what those big windows are behind Joey and I. Joey loved watching the sharks and sea turtles swim by

Then we walked around and looked at the cool topiaries, here are my two favorites

Thanks to Da and Joey for a GREAT Mothers Day! It is such an honor and privilege to be Joey's Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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