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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Longboat Key

Sorry for no updates for a while but we have been VERY BUSY!!! So with only 1 1/2 weeks until we move I thought I better upload some pics.
Here is our trip to Longboat Key, Florida. I would recommend the island to anyone looking for a nice, quite vacation. since Longboat is a "winter" community it is cheap to stay there in the summer and empty...there were times we were the only people on the beach.
Plus, the shells are AMAZING. Here is one of Joey's favorites
And here he is searching for more, we could hardly get him to leave his shell bucket behind
Getting a back ride from Mama
Heading back to our house, isn't the walk nice!
Riding the waves with Da

On our front porch with Mama, we had our own little cottage :)
Joey discovered floaties on this trip and loved being independent in the water. Even though we were never far behind! He hated having us hold him and would go and go.
Our little beach babe : ) with a kool-aid cocktail

We were there when Hurricane Dean hit Mexico and the waved were awesome, Bill TRIED to boogie board but they were so tall!!! Makes him look like a speck in the water
Bill and Joey caught some hermit crabs and Joey is telling a little girl he met all about them
Joey and Da torturing more crabs...this one was ready to FIGHT!

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