Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, August 27, 2007

Were home and we found a home!!!!!

Well finally we are home from Florida! We had a great trip and found a house, yay!!!! Our new house is 5 bedrooms and 3.5 baths so we are excited for guests!!! Especially since it is ONLY 3.7 miles to the beach from our driveway!!!!
Joey had a few mishaps though, as you can see here with his first black-eye ever. We were at Toys-R-Us searching for a road toy when he fell and hit a display face first. Poor baby. Then while house hunting I noticed he was shivering and was hot as off to St Lukes Emergency room in Jacksonville where he had a 104.9 Degree temp!!! When I saw it I gasped out loud and felt kind of faint. But turns out it was just an ear infection and the next day after some Ibuprofen, Tylenol and Amoxicillian he was all better and we headed out to Longboat Key....more on that later so stay tuned.
Joey snooping around our new house, this is the 2 story loft overlooking the family room and kitchen...a cool area.
Waving at Mama

Opening and slamming drawers, what fun!
Stay tuned for Longboat Key pictures : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christie, Bill, and Joey,

Congrats on your new job and home!
3.7 miles from the beach! Fantastic.
