Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 23, 2007


We threw ourselves a Going Away Party so we could say a big Good-bye to all our wonderful friends. We all had BBQ and lots of fun. Once again we rented a huge blow-up for the backyard and all the kids went loony!!! You have never seen so many happy, red-faced, sweaty kids : )
Here is Joey, Michelle and Gabe Playing on the slide
Joey, Rayna and Michelle fixin' to slide can see the slide was a hit!!! Both Bill and I woke up sore from head to toe from us playing in there too!!
My old time pal Donnie pushing her son and Joey's pal Jacob, and Nicholas swinging in the baby swing....ahahahah lullaby and goodnight : ) Gotcha Nicholas!!!!
Joey discussing the game with Uncle Rick and Aunt Martha
Beautiful Laura and her handsome wonderful son Benjamin

Joey giving some good loving to his God-parents Robin and Bob

Bill's family talking and laughing at me trying to get a good picture! Doesn't Whitney look like quite the woman!!! Woooo-weeeee!!!!! What a dress!! Watch out boys, she isn't of-age YET!!

Everybody watching and cheering on the game!!!

We had a great time and are going to miss everyone so much!!! Anyone and everyone is welcome to visit us ANYTIME!!!! We love all of you!!!!

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