Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

1 Year Checkup

Well we went to Joey's 1 year checkup this week. Joey weighed in at 23 lb 7oz and was 29 3/4 inches tall. The Dr said he is doing great and even said she thought his aptitude and development was that of an 18 month old - which of course makes Mommy and Daddy VERY PROUD!!!
It is so hard to believe that a year has gone by...the changes are incredible. Anyway how about a little flashback for reference.
Here is a picture of the little guy inside me! This is me painting clouds in the nursery. I am about 5 1/2 months here - I love this pic because we were still in the closet about the pregnancy but you can see that Joey had definitely made his presence known. Needless to say we "came out" soon after : )

And here is his hospital picture he weighed in at 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 3/4 inches long next to a current picture- can you believe the change. He has gained 17 lbs and grown 10 inches!!

Anyway on to some pictures from the last few weeks:
I read that kids at this age have security objects and Joey is no exception - in fact he has TWO!!
Here is his soft Rusty Bear who must be in his crib for sleeping and who he likes to drag around.
Most importantly Joey with his Wubi blanket (wrapped around him here) with Wubi is much better than life without...believe me. I fact he is so attached to this blanket that I ran out and bought 2 replacements JUST IN CASE!!
Here he is with his toy broom, he loves to help me sweep the floors...and he is actually very skilled at it!!
Just a funny hairdo after we got in from swimming..Joeys hair seems to be getting a little wavy on us lately and so it is going in ALL directions!!
And as promised more birthday pics!!

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