Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Birthdays Galore- Happy 4th Bday Jacob

My very good and old friend (no I am not saying she is old I am saying we have been friends since around 2nd grade...long time) Daniella (I call her Donnie but think I may be the only one anymore : ) has two wonderful sons and last Sunday we went to her oldest sons Jacob's Fourth Birthday Party and had a GREAT TIME!!! Happy 4th Birthday!!
Here is the birthday boy ready to dive into his Little Einstein Cake- it was delicious!!
And here is Daniella with Jacob opening presents

Jacob opening Joeys present to him and as you can see Joey and Jacob's little brother Benjamin are in the pic but not paying a whole lot of attention to the present opening : )
Joey loved the pin the tail on the blow up donkey!

and he loved the tunnel, we could hardly keep him out of it for other kids to get a turn.

All kids favorite tissue paper!!!!

Choo Choo...all aboard the sippy express!!! Chugga Chugga

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