Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy 1st Bday

Happy First Birthday Joey!!!!!
I wanted to upload more photos but since I have been trying for 3 days to get them to load (as you may know if you tried to call us) I am giving up and will try again later.
Anyway, here is Joey on his birthday July 19th first thing in the morning we let him open a gift....he had a blast opening it!!!
So then we loaded up and went to the zoo.
Here is Joey and Dad with the black bears.
Joey and I looking at a bird, I didn't realize he was pointing too : )
In front of the elephants
Joey trying to grab a big goat
Looking VERY adorable in the birds nest at Kids Cove.
Joey all excited to eat his cake I made him....well not really he is laughing at his Grampy. Joey is not a big fan of having cake and icing in his hands-a neat freak like his Dad.

Ready to open his gifts.

On his fire truck Mom and Dad got him.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Too cute! Mimi is going to have to carry a big stick to keep all the girls away!
Thanks Christie for the link help! The computer dummy finnally linked with your help.