Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Dada!!!

Happy Birthday to Joey's Dada!!!!
We went to Big Eds to celebrate Bill's birthday, this was Joey's first visit ever and we all had a blast - not to mention still the BEST pizza ever!
Here you can see Joey is enjoying his first piece of pizza, he ate 1 1/2 pieces...not shabby for a little guy!!!
And here he is doing his now infamous poking of his food before he will eat it : )

Back at the house we opened gifts and had cookie cake.
Here is Bill opening his gift from Joey a hat & shirt that says Super Dad.
Reading his card from Joey
"Talking" about Dada's new movie

Blowing out the candles
Another flashback picture: Joey and Dada on Dada's Birthday Last Year. Joey was 3 weeks old.

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