Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bragging Rights

Its time to brag on a very special member of our family, Joey's Mimi. (aka Bill's Mom)
Mimi has spent her precious time and energy (right after having surgery herself I might add) to paint a mural of a garden for a very sick little girl with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. To see the beautiful mural and other details please visit be sure to watch the video.
Mimi - we are so proud of you. Imagine a world where everybody gave a little of themselves everyday.....what a wonderful world this would be. You are a shining example for the rest of us to follow : )

A picture at Christmas of Mimi, Grampy, Abbie, Dom and Joey

A great picture of Joey and his Mimi
Also, be sure to visit Mimi and Grampys Special Place blog at

1 comment:

Terry said...

Thank you,God blessed me in a very visable way. But the best blessing was to hold this special little girl and watch her smile and try to touch and talk to the butterflies,bees,and frogs. It was tough but it was something that my friend and I were led to do through God's Grace.