Hey everybody! We have had a crazy week! Yesterday, I had run out of cream cheese that Joey likes on his rice cakes, so I pulled out the peanut butter (he has had peanut butter before)and spread some on....15 minutes later Bill and I were freaking out when we saw Joey breaking out in little red spots and blisters and scratching his eyes hysterically-15 minutes later he was fine-no redness or blisters. See pictures below (click to enlarge, right click to save):
So today we headed to East Tn Childrens for a RAST allergy test. We are PRAYING that he is not allergic to nuts, even though the Dr said it was a very mild reaction in comparison to what it can be... but I am still walking around with an Epi-pen Jr in my purse just in case : (
Lately we have been having trouble with Joey in his high chair....he wants to sit at the table like us. The faces he makes to show his protest are GREAT!!!!
Here is his tough guy look that he does when we say "tough guy"

This weekend we were setting up our big pool when Joey crawled in wanting to "help" Daddy and dragged the hose around squirting everything and loving it....himself, mommy and Daddy included.

On a more solemn note, today is the two year anniversary of the loss of Joey's brother. Below is the last picture we have of him alive and well. I will post our story as a comment to this blog (since this is Joeys blog and I dont want to ramble unless its about him) and if you would like to read it feel free. I will also post with it some resources that helped us get through our grief...if you are suffering a loss, please visit some of these sites and know you are not alone.