Well, sorry it has been so long since I updated. Nothing huge to report just lots of little things...Joey has 7 teeth now and two more on the way : ) He can actually take bites of his graham crackers now and he thinks the sound is GREAT!! He can stand for forever and walk holding onto only one of our hands, he has taken three steps one his own but then he drops down and crawls. I KNOW he can walk and I am just waiting for the day he is off : ) He has a vocabulary that only Mom and Dad can understand but he says Dada (mostly), Mama, Doggie, Na-na (this is his no-no) and he does a great Hi with a double handed wave. At a shopping center the other day he kept saying Hi to people and waving and they all made a fuss over him!
Anyway I was cleaning the house (miracle of the ages) and I found a black and white disposable camera we took to the hospital when Joey was born and I had the pics developed...below are some of the best shots along with a shot I took this morning for comparison.
We are going to the beach next week so I won't update for about a week or so but be sure to check back for Joey's first beach trip...I am sure we will have a lot to update!
2 Days Old space space spaThis morning -9 Months & 2+ weeks
Oh my being a newborn is tough
Daddys pride and joy!!
I am so blessed with so much more than I deserve...what a beautiful baby boy!!!
Dads chest-nice and comfy!!!!
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