Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


The power of prayer...
our miracle in a quiet moment!!!
Doesn't the Lord make beautiful babies!!!
Since this is a blog about a miracle, we thought we would ask for prayers for another miracle, please read the request below and pray for Laura, Joe, Pop and the rest of the family.
From our dear family-member/friend Laura Roberts:
Dear Friends,

I am writing to you to let you know of a struggle that Joe, his family and I are dealing with. 3 weeks ago tomorrow (Wednesday), Joe's dad fell and broke his hip. He was in a lot of pain , but doing as well as could be expected until Sunday the 9th. He developed problems in his lungs - they were working at 20% capacity so was sent to ICU and put on a respirator.

After two VERY long weeks, Pop finally seemed to be improving. Yesterday, he was off the respirator and even spoke to us. He knew who we were. We felt like things were FINALLY improving.

However, today they had to put him back on the respirator. He will have a feeding tube put into his stomach in the morning and they will put in a traec on Thursday morning. They have him HEAVILY sedated again. This was a MAJOR emotional setback for all of us.

That's why I'm sending you, my friends, this e-mail. We don't know what God has in store for Pop. I'm just asking that you will pray for us and Joe's family and Pop. None of us want him to suffer and it's difficult to think about letting him go, but we're trying to accept that God may want him to come home.

Thank you so much for reading this but even more, thank you for keeping us in your prayers - we really need them.


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