Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Joey's First Easter

Here is Joey checking out his Easter basket...the Easter Bunny was very good to him!!!

Awe...check out that angelic face

Here is Joey with his Great Aunt Martha opening hers and his Great Uncle Rick's Easter gifts to him...peek-a-pooh

Here he is pushing the Pooh car Uncle Rick and Aunt Martha got was his OVERALL favorite even surpassing the Elmo phone

Joey has a Secret Bunny Admirer who left this basket on the front porch for him.
Secret Easter Bunny please come forward!!!

The Rubber Duckies are a huge hit, in the bath and out!!!!!
I get this one too!
With Mom and Dad Easter Day!!

Finally after much research and consideration (and some test runs) we decided to give Joey a chocolate Easter Bunny and he LOVED IT!!!!!! Believe it or not he also slept the best he had in a whole month...must be the chocolate endorphins.

Where should I start??

The ears of course!

Wow can I have some more please!!!

This pic is cute and you can really see his new teeth, also the nose crinkle is a new very cute and adorable thing he has started when he wants to be funny.

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