Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 28, 2006

We have a walker!!!!!!

Well the day has finally 10 months and one week we have a real-live, no holding on, one foot after the other walker!
This morning Joey was taking about a dozen steps at a time and then all of a sudden this evening he is off and walking around like nobodys business.
Aren't I cute Mommy!
Catch me if you can!!!

Weee this if fun!
I can even walk while chewing on my finger
At first he had some trouble walking from one surface to the next, like from carpet to linoleum but soon he had that mastered too!
Now don't get me wrong he is definitely putting the "toddle" in toddler but it is so awesome to watch him walk around all by himself!!! And he is so proud : ) and so are we :)

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