Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Climbing stairs, Sunday Outing and Mommy's Blog

Joey is feeling much better...but now he has three top teeth coming in-the middle two and one to the right. If the left one doesn't start coming through he is gong to look a little lopsided for a while :) He does get grouchy when they are bugging him but who wouldn't be a little e grouchy!
Well yesterday we went on a family outing to see the live bunnies at O'hareport : ) (really Smart Toys and Books)
All ready to go!!!

Wow! Look at those cute bunnies!
Other stuff I like there too! (Maybe he will get it for his Birthday,wink wink)
Well, this is Tennessee after all, every boy needs a coon skin hat!
Joey started climbing the stairs last week.
Joey says - Look Mom I can climb the stairs : ) Be proud of me!!
Mom says - Good Lord! He can climb the stairs already I need 10 arms and 4 eyes!! But I am SO proud of him!!!

By the way, Joey's Mom has started her own weight loss blog, feel free to visit if you would like

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