Well can you believe it - Joey turned 8 months old on Sunday!! Time sure flies. The bad part is on Tuesday he came down with a very bad case of croup and has been a very sick boy all week.
Here he is enjoying his new favorite food Yogurt - any flavor will do! A close second are whole wheat pancakes - YUM!
We kept trying a sippy and then found that Joey is an expert at using a straw (go figure) so we are now using straw sippies and he is proficient at using them all by himself. In fact he can be very independent about it and hates to be helped.

Squats are now the name of the game, Joey has found he can squat down and doesn't have to sit to pick things up. Sometimes he just stands there and squats like he is exercising - he is so proud!

And here is the sick boy yesterday. Normally a mover and shaker and not a good sleeper at all he slept most of the past 2 days, and this is a picture where I put him down to play and he crawled over to the boppy and fell asleep. Poor guy. It is so tough to watch him be so sick and not be able to do anything much to help him.

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