Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Climbing stairs, Sunday Outing and Mommy's Blog

Joey is feeling much better...but now he has three top teeth coming in-the middle two and one to the right. If the left one doesn't start coming through he is gong to look a little lopsided for a while :) He does get grouchy when they are bugging him but who wouldn't be a little e grouchy!
Well yesterday we went on a family outing to see the live bunnies at O'hareport : ) (really Smart Toys and Books)
All ready to go!!!

Wow! Look at those cute bunnies!
Other stuff I like there too! (Maybe he will get it for his Birthday,wink wink)
Well, this is Tennessee after all, every boy needs a coon skin hat!
Joey started climbing the stairs last week.
Joey says - Look Mom I can climb the stairs : ) Be proud of me!!
Mom says - Good Lord! He can climb the stairs already I need 10 arms and 4 eyes!! But I am SO proud of him!!!

By the way, Joey's Mom has started her own weight loss blog, feel free to visit if you would like

Friday, March 24, 2006

8 Months and Croup :(

Well can you believe it - Joey turned 8 months old on Sunday!! Time sure flies. The bad part is on Tuesday he came down with a very bad case of croup and has been a very sick boy all week.
Here he is enjoying his new favorite food Yogurt - any flavor will do! A close second are whole wheat pancakes - YUM!
We kept trying a sippy and then found that Joey is an expert at using a straw (go figure) so we are now using straw sippies and he is proficient at using them all by himself. In fact he can be very independent about it and hates to be helped.
Squats are now the name of the game, Joey has found he can squat down and doesn't have to sit to pick things up. Sometimes he just stands there and squats like he is exercising - he is so proud!
And here is the sick boy yesterday. Normally a mover and shaker and not a good sleeper at all he slept most of the past 2 days, and this is a picture where I put him down to play and he crawled over to the boppy and fell asleep. Poor guy. It is so tough to watch him be so sick and not be able to do anything much to help him.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Sorry its been so long...

Bill pointed out to me that it had been ALMOST A WHOLE MONTH since I updated the blog. Sorry it has been so long, but as many of you know chasing a very mobile infant is hard time-consuming and sometimes dangerous work.

Here are some pics of Joey stepping/sitting in grass for the first time. Although he can stand very well he didn't like to put his feet down, he preferred to tickle his feet by hovering them above the grass.

This is a series of pictures I took while TRYING to change Joey's diaper. It is almost impossible!!! When I asked our pediatrician for recommendations on this she said she sat on her kids... I haven't done it yet, but maybe we should ask Bill if he has...Bill? So here is Joey's list of things to do while getting your diaper changed.
"Read" a book
Push my train
Nevermind reading this book looks tasty!
Try to grab the camera from Mommy....oooo it has lights!
Play with my turtle- its lights up!
Run around naked
Finally a clean diaper for the pants : )
that's okay we can live without pants for now...and so he's off like a flash!

Here is Joey and his new fascination....Dad's surround sound system. You can see he knows its a no-no- see the look on his face when I catch him.
Here is a joke that Bill thought was SO FUNNY. Joey's is obviously going to be a boob man 'cause he couldn't keep his hands off of them! It was double funny 'cause his shirt says Babe Magnet!!