The holidays are great for getting together with those we love, here are some of the functions we have attended.
The Fox Family Christmas Sing-along
Joey is hugging Molly, the look on his face is great!!!
Peek-a-boo with Nicholas
Here is Joey smiling and flirting with the musicians. At one point during a serious song he went up and started banging on the piano : )

The Oak Ridge Christmas Parade
Our Hometown parade, the three of us
Petting a rescue golden retriever
Meeting the Jefferson Eagle. Da and I were both Eagles, maybe Joey will be one too!
With our pals and Joey Godparents, Bob and Robin Harvey
Joey and Bill
Fantasy of Trees
Joey and Bill on the carousel
We went with our pals Tony and Kim and their kids Nicole and Anthony. In this pic Joey is surrounded by FOUR girls...Aha Gotcha look close at the arrow Kim is pregnant with a girl : )