Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 04, 2006

Decorating for Christmas

Well this year we have had the best time ever!! decorating for Christmas. Joey has loved helping and really is not destructive at all. He has "his" ornaments and he takes them off and puts them back on the tree. He loves all the santa's outside and inside the house and even trys to "share" his milk and snacks with them.
Here he is in his toy bag from last year. Very cute.

Helping decorate the candy tree.
Adding Playdough to the why didn't we think of that??
Then he stepped outside to decor with Da. Aren't my boys cute!!!!
Hey where did Da go, I want to go up too!!
Helping Da unwrap Santa and his reindeer.
Kissing Santa...gotta get those good boy points in : )
Kissing the reindeer
TRYING to snuggle with Santa....Joey has really taken to snuggling with his toys and us....but he found out this Santa was a little uncomfortable.
decorating the tree in his room with Mom.

Playing with the Pooh Ornament Grandmother Fox gave him at Thanksgiving...can you tell he likes it.

Helping us decorate the Crystal Tree. Joey confiscated our gold beads and wouldn't give them back.
The tree looks much better from this angle : )

This is a great pic.....we asked Joey where Santa was and even though we have about 1,000 santas inside he went and looked out the do they know??? Must be a kid thing, the magic of Christmas through a child's eyes. Truly amazing!!!

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