Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 06, 2011


Okay so, I guess everyone now knows I am officially the WORST Mama blogger EVER! I am very sorry, most of all to Joey. BUT I am going to get back into it! SO, what I am going to do is start right were I left off, December 2010 and move forward ; P

BUT since it may be a week or so before I get current I wanted to just give a quick update of our year so far:

Well in December we were pretty sure that the future had us moving to Huntsville, Alabama. We were excited! Not only does a lot of my close family live there but it seemed to be a glimmer of hope for us of some stability since Bill's previous employers shut their doors.

In January, Bill's Mom passed away from Pancreatic cancer, the loss rocked us to the core.

About the same time, Joey began having some issues at school and began begging to stay home everyday. He was just supremely bored. Since Joey was tested as what they call in Kindergarten, an Academically Talented student and and tested at a 3rd Grade Level in reading he was placed at an "independent" table. This meant he did his work without much interaction at all, and on the days I volunteered in his classroom it would take him about 5 minutes to complete each "center" BUT he had to sit there quietly while the other kids finished, it WAS a challenge and he definately was bored.

There were also some hygenic issues in Joey's class. Some of the kids were not potty trained and some had some definate "life" issues that caused hygenic problems in the class. Believe me, I could elaborate in a way that would gross us all out, but I won't, trust me when I say it was BAD! This was very troublesome to Joey....he is very Type A clean boy.

Bill and I began the discussion of pulling Joey out of school to homeschool (we considered this before we enrolled him in Kindergaten anyway), after all, we are moving soon and he more than likely wouldn't finish the year in Jax anyway.

Joey has now finished the First Grade Homeschool curriculum we chose and will be starting 2nd grade in Sept. It is HARD work but it is working all around for all of us right now. It is very rewarding to watch him blossom and absorb as much as he can at his own pace.

BUT then it turns out, our move to Huntsville was not to be, once again, we end up with a bankrupt employer. All of us are devistated to say the least.

But we have rebounded and are determined to once again find some stability for our little family.

Joey play Brahms and Tchaikovsky in his spring Piano recital.

Joey lost his first tooth in May and has another one that is very loose!

Bill has launched a webpage for his consulting and now has several clients.

Last week, we went to Star Wars Weekends at Disney and have been several times with friends. We have a great birthday trip lined up for Joey and are looking forward to a great summer. Florida is super hot this year! More coming soon, I promise!!!!

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