Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ringling Bros Circus

In January, we went with some of our best pals here in Jax to see the Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circus.  It was Joey's first time ever...and he could not WAIT to see the Tigers!!  The kid is Tiger crazy...did I ever mention he thinks he is part Tiger...he will even show you his Tiger stripe (a birthmark on his belly) to prove it!
(PS - trying a new blogger update format, so if it looks crazy please bear with me ; )

Joey and his best pal (and future wife) Alexis

Ready for the Big Top

This guy was way tall...look closely Joey is at his feet ; )

Joey's favorite, the Tigers.  He was so excited that the Tigers were shaking hands and kissing the trainer, he had his heart set on getting himself a kissing Tiger

Joey, Alexis and the only Tiger we took home, a stuffed one that Joey named Snowball

My favorite the elephants

My favorite clown

Joey has a thing for this trapeze artist

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