Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 25, 2010

Joey's 5th Bday Trip & Day

Every year we go on a trip for Joey's birthday and this year for his 5th bday he asked to go to Longboat Key, Florida. It was a great trip!!! (Pls forgive the format, blogger is uploading funny tonight)

Here he is with the Pirate Ship birthday cake he asked me to make. It was a fun cake to make ; )

Here he is the morning of his birthday. He wanted to make a list of things that he wanted to do and here he is first thing checking out hist list! He had things like...boogie board, play Mini-golf, eat ice cream, go to the aquarium. etc.....

First on his list was eat belgium waffles, YUM!!

Next, of course was open a present!

Then go boogie boarding down at the beach! Joey is an awesome boarder!!

Then off to the Mote Aquarium to see the Hammerheads!! Joey LOVES Hammerhead sharks!!

Here he is in front of the actual Hammerhead tank....seemed like we stood there for hours ; )

With his Da searching the fossil bed for Sharks Teeth, he found some great ones!!!

Touching the Stingrays

Then of course, we had to play mini-golf ; )

At the end of the night Joey opened his "big" gift, the Lego Police Station (little did he know that Mom and Da had a bigger gift waiting at home ; )

Of course, being us....we HAD to stop at Disney World on the way home. The Conducter on the Disney Train let Joey say "ALL ABOARD" he was so super exited!!!

Joey and Da made a stop at the Downtown Disney Toy store and constructed a new custom Lightsaber!!

Of course, we could not go to Disney and not go to the Lego store, we all loved this Lego Woody!

When we got home, Joey found one more birthday gift in the living room ; )
His Da had made him a custom lego play area that fits on top of his Thomas the Train table.

My beautiful 5 year old boy!!!!

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