Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 18, 2010

Joey's 5th Bday Party

Joey had an awesome 5th birthday party. He wanted a Bakugan theme (even though me and his Da TRIED to sway him to a theme we understood ; ) there were tons of kids and a gigantic water slide!!

We decorated the house like crazy so Joey would see it when he got up!!! Here is the foyer...

The living room

The gift table, Joey made out like a bandit

His cake, designed per his specifications. Bill and I do not "get" the Bakugans...but Joey LOVES them!!

Blowing out the candles

The cake and ice cream line ; ) Bill made his famous homemade Ice Cream
Waiting in line to go down the slide with his pals
Slip sliding away

We even got to slide the next day

Sliding with his Da
Even with a water slide....most of the boys moved upstairs to play ; ) Boys will be boys!!

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